Building Mini vMac

I’m sure many are wondering if they could build their own version of Mini vMac. I’m also sure that many of those people think that you have to know C++ to do it. Let me assure you, that is not the case! I’m fluent in Visual Basic (6 and some Express 2008) and learning Java; C++ is the farthest thing from my mind! Building Mini vMac is easy and fun, and this guide will help you get through it!

PREREQUISITES: A C++ compiler (Visual C++ 2005 -2010 Express recommended), Premade Mini vMac build, System disk, patience

STEP 1: Download the Source Code

Many times when one downloads source code, you expect there to be a ton of files with weird extensions, like “.h” (header files) and “.c” (C++ files), and a whole slew of other things that would make you uncomfortable just thinking about them. Not so with Mini vMac. The file you download will be a .dsk file, which you mount in Mini vMac itself! It might sound weird, but just wait until we start using some compile time commands.

STEP 2: Start a pre-made build of Mini vMac, and start up the Mac OS/System

I tested the build program with System 3.3, which means that any system above that should work (in theory). If someone wants to give confirmation about System 1.1, then feel free to let me know!

STEP 3: Mount the source code image

STEP 4: Open up the Build program in Mini vMac

The name can change depending on whether or not you are using a development snapshot (I recommend that first time compilers use the stable builds).

STEP 5: Tell the Build program what system you are using

For Windows, which will be the majority of users, use this compile time option (without quotations): “-t wx86”. This will tell Mini vMac that you are using this particular System.

STEP 6 (optional): Additional options

If you want to add some more options to your build as to customize it even more, you can find the vast majority of them here!

  • -maintainer <Insert Name Here>; will print your name as the maintainer of the build on the about screen in Mini vMac. Put the name in quotation marks! (” “)
  • -m <Machine>; Allows you to choose the type of Mac you want to emulate. The two most common are “Plus” and “IIx”. Choose IIx if you want color and more memory (up to 8MB).
  • -ev <Number>; sets the version of the compiler you are using. For anything Express 2005 and above, leave this option out; it will convert it to a usable file on it’s own.
  • -drives <Number>; will tell Mini vMac how many drives to emulate. You can emulate up to 32!
  • -depth <Number>; Option for Mac IIx ONLY. Changing this setting will allow color to be shown. Use numbers 3 or 5 to get some decent color (256 and millions, I believe).
  • -sony-sum <0 or 1>; support for dc42 disk images. Leave this blank for the default partial support.
  • -mem <number>; Changes the memory size. For example, 8M means 8 megabytes of RAM; 2.5M means 2.5 megabytes, etc. (Only the Mac IIx can go over the 4MB limit)
  • -hres and -vres; changes the screen resolution.

There are a few more options available, such as local languages, etc., but these are the most prominent options. Here is an example of a build I made:

-maintainer “System608” -m IIx -t wx86 -depth 5 -mem 8M -hres 800 -vres 600 -drives 32 -sony-sum 1;

If you are only doing one build, the semicolon is negligible.

STEP 7: Click “Go” in the file menu in your mac, and save the .ZIP file on your real hardware

STEP 8: Unzip ALL the files in the .ZIP archive

STEP 9: Open the .sln file with MSVC++ 2010 Express (or any other version from 2005 upwards), and convert if need be.

STEP 10: Right click the project, and select “Build”.

STEP 11: Look in your folder with the unzipped files. There should be a minivmac.exe file.

STEP 12: Get the appropriate ROM and have fun!

Notes: There is no sound support in the Mac IIx builds at the moment, and turning it on will cause the mac to crash. Not all older games will support the higher screen resolutions, as this is a hack; no Mac Plus ever had a 800×600 screen resolution. You need to appropriate ROM to use the appropriate build. Additional compile time commands can be found on the official Mini vMac website: (for previously unknown compiling options) and (official page)

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