Just a thought

May 22, 2010

I thought I’d come back and see how things are going. There seems to still be an interest in the website, so I’ll certainly have a go at finding some more items. The only thing is, when you don’t hear from people, it makes you think that what you’re offering isn’t important. I’d really appreciate some feedback so that this passion that I have doesn’t die out, and that I might continue to provide quality posts for everyone’s liking!

Without further to do, here is the link to my entire archive; you might find some stuff that doesn’t belong, per se, but I used my account for a lot of things. Have a great time, and continue vMac-ing!


Shareware Bonanza

December 11, 2009

I’m starting to look at the possibility of uploading a TON of shareware, so do tell me if you like the applications! I have 49MB to unstuff, so this should be fun. I expect to have a batch ready in about an hour.

1988 is here!

December 5, 2009

1988 has been uploaded, and not too soon! I almost accidentally deleted Stuffit Expander from Basilisk II (don’t even ask, it’s a long story).

Here it is: http://www.mediafire.com/?nmymty24z5t


December 2, 2009

Hey all! I’m rounding up some programs from the year 1984, and they should be posted soon. Keep your eyes peeled for them!

Also, I’d like to know what you, the user, would like me to upload. I’ll do all within my power to provide a disk image of what you ask. If it has to do with Basilisk II or SheepShaver, please let me know, as I will have to create a new page and/or website for those emulators. I’m trying to keep an open mind and an open website as well, so don’t be afraid to tell me what you think of it. Please send requests to: fanman93@gmail.com

Painting II

November 30, 2009

Well, there seems to be quite a few people who downloaded the Painting disk I provided. So, I thought, why not make another? This contains anything that could even in the slightest be considered “drawing” or “painting” worthy. The image is 30 Mb, so you have lots of room to put any creations you make! I’ve had a lot of trouble getting all of these together, so I hope you will all enjoy them!

Painting II disk image: http://www.mediafire.com/?ki0kjwomz1w