Just a thought

I thought I’d come back and see how things are going. There seems to still be an interest in the website, so I’ll certainly have a go at finding some more items. The only thing is, when you don’t hear from people, it makes you think that what you’re offering isn’t important. I’d really appreciate some feedback so that this passion that I have doesn’t die out, and that I might continue to provide quality posts for everyone’s liking!

Without further to do, here is the link to my entire archive; you might find some stuff that doesn’t belong, per se, but I used my account for a lot of things. Have a great time, and continue vMac-ing!


5 Responses to Just a thought

  1. WatchSmart says:

    Hey, I’m still checking in!

    I’m most interested in genuine free/shareware titles. Mainly so I can pinch ’em for my own collection!

  2. Simpirate says:

    I really am liking this site. I only recently found it. Honestly I was looking for another one but the fact that you post so much and you have such an exquisite peppy attitude pulls me in. Your doing great! Nice Job with everything!

  3. TJ says:


    I like this site, but am kind of put off by the fact that I need to download the files first to see what’s in them. If you are looking for a specific program / game then you have to either know what year it was published, and take the chance that it’s included, or just download everything.

    Good site though. There are hardly any dsk files available (at least that I can find).

    • fanman93 says:

      I believe I forgot to reply to your comment! The reason I don’t go into specific apps, for the most part, is that the Macintosh Garden already does that. I do compilations of things that I think are useful. If you have an app that you’d like to see on the site, just let me know! Finally, I put all the disk images in archives, such as RARs and ZIPs. You may want to check out 7zip for unarchiving them.

      • Ck says:

        Wonderful site! You have made many an old-school mac user very happy with your old collections :0)

        I wanted to offer perhaps compiling a small list of the titles for each volume — this way, you cover both bases for those who just want everything as well as thoes hunting for that lost treasure. Don’t get me wrong, it’s also kind of fun not knowing what’s in the package, it’s like Christmas!

        Keep up the great work, fanman93!!!

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