1991 is here to stay!

There were so many apps and games made in 1991 that I didn’t know where to start! I did find some great gems, though, that can run in Mini vMac without any issues. Please be forewarned that the Infocom games REQUIRE System 7.5.x, due to it being a hybrid CD image. Rest assured that it will mount! There weren’t very many productivity apps, though, so you might be put off by the fact that there are a lot of disk image files that might require mounting or exporting. Rather than have a bunch of files that are all over the place in the archive, I thought this to be the best solution.


This is the first time that I’ve uploaded something wirelessly, so if the archive is corrupt, someone please let me know! I’m pretty sure everything went fine, though one can’t be too sure about anything these days.

Sorry for the delays, everyone! Hopefully this will show that I still care very much for the site, and I won’t let it die just yet!


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